Optimus Polaris Optifuel versus MSR Whisperlite. And the winner is...

Multi-fuel stoves are the outdoor cooking hype. It seems like every trekking and outdoor company is building one since, obviously, the customer so desires. What really attracted me to the Optimus Polaris Optifuel were two reasons: the upcoming R1200 GS Enduro tour to Norway where I will spend quite some time in a tent and - expecting Norwegian weather conditions  - will also do some extensive cooking (to survive and to cook the rain away...); the second reason for me to throw an eye on this new stove were the numerous positive tests and videos on the internet - along with the fact that the stove won the 2015/16 ISPO outoor award. 'Good marketing sells the product', and I am the best example to prove that. To make a long story short: The Optimus Polaris Optifuel is a disappointment and I do not recommend it. Compared with the MSR Whisperlite  (which I also have been using for a while) there is one clear winner and that IS the MSR Whisperlite. This stove is a  HYBRID-FUEL backpacking stove and as such comparable to the Optimus, which claims to have the "one jet - any fuel" solution. That would be great indeed - wherever you are just get the fuel that is offered and the Optimus will gladly accept it. Unfortunately, it does not. I tried to connect my MSR gas canister to it - and all I got from this "one jet" solution was loud noise, the smell of gas but no flame. My local outdoor retailer told me that this is the reason why he does not sell this stove - it claims to be a global solution while all it really does is to try to restrict the customer to but one brand: Optimus. The fact that I cannot connect the Optimus to the canister fuel of MSR (and perhaps of other brands also) is reason enough for me not to take it along on my upcoming road trip. I will use the MSR Whisperlite which is not that "kinky" and welcomes energy sources  from other outdoor brands. And what is equally important, it is a bit more humble and reasonable in the way it portrays itself. I have no idea why so many of the Optimus tests and videos on the internet are that enthusiastic - I just cannot sing along. Singing is no good idea anyhow, considering the rotors noise the Optimus Polaris Multifuel is making in our test. Hear for yourself in the video.

In case you have a similar - or for that matter completely different - experience with the stove - please let me know and leave a comment.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    John Jones (Friday, 26 March 2021 14:21)

    I disagree I have had the Optimus Polaris optifuel for some time now I have used it high altitude extreme cold and extreme heat conditions I have used it camping on the river rainy conditions when in the desert I have used multiple fuel with the stove it was a little loud I did get the quieter cap and in comparison with whisperlite it is now quieter it's similar is better if your only complaint is the bottles wont interchange then you're looking for something to complain about I am just an individual that copies products I don't believe you are giving a fair review of the two products