EndurOpera: Oper Schloss Hallwyl

Perfect location, perfect music, perfect weather condition and perfect bike! To be honest -  it was my first opera visit wearing my enduro-outfit and even though it was an open air event I was the only guy wearing biker-clothes. But it was the right choice, after all it did get a bit chilly towards the end around 11 pm... Hallwyl castle in the Swiss canton of Aargau is one of Switzerland's finest and most romantic moated castles. (...)

Surrounded by water and located in the middle of a most beautiful and peaceful landscape  this place is the perfect setting for a high class outdoor event. Accordingly, every three year the Castle Hallwyl Opera takes place - this year Mozart's "Magic Flute" is in the offer. The opera will be shown until August 22, 2015 and it is definitely worth your time: a great international cast, an excellent choir (Zürcher Sing Akademie) along with the high class orchestra argovia philharmonic guarantee a perfect cultural event in a magnificent setting. EndurOpera fans should consider to spend a whole day in the area. Considering this year's temperature: why not take a swim in the Hallwyl lake prior to going to the opera? And, again, do not worry about wearing the right clothes. We broke the rules already. "Motorbiker clothes - Cool!", is one compliment (ok - the only one...) we received from a bartender during the opera-break. It looks as if we set a new trend here. Almost.